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Economic Empowerment legislation

About Assurance Verification Agency

B-BBEE Verification Agency

Assurance Verification Agency was established in 2009 with the main objective of facilitating the Economic Empowerment in South Africa through B-BBEE Legislation transformation.

Assurance Verification milestones are to assist in small medium and large entities to participate positively in Board Based Black Economic Empowerment legislation by supporting the B-BBEE policy through contributions to small medium companies, enable black people and black women to participate in ownership of companies and play vital roles in the management of companies across all industries.

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Our Services

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Professional Accountant (SA)

Ms Busie Yekwayo

Ms Busie Yekwayo Professional Accountant (SA) drew from Eastern Cape in Mount Frere where she had a dream of becoming an Accountant. She holds a Bachelor of Accounting degree from Water Sisulu University.

She gained a vast experience in B-BBEE from previous companies which she worked for and the B-BBEE analyst from South African Black Rating Economic Agency, Empowerdex Verification Agency and Inkomba Verification Agency where she was approved as the Technical Signatory.

She has been involved in the B-BBEE Verifications of Toyota South Africa, Ports Regulator of South Africa, Department of Human Settlement, Department of Transport, Trade and Investment, Richards bay Industrial Development Zone EDTEA etc.

Busie has undergone various trainings on the B-BBEE which include B-BBEE workshops, B-BBEE Management Development Programme which she obtained from Unisa School Business of Leadership.

Ms Busie holds SAIPA qualification with Professional Accountant (SA) designation, and Economic Empowerment Professional designation which is SAQA approved.

She is also a board member of Association of B-BBEE Professionals holding the Skills Development Designation, and she has MBA qualification through Mancosa.
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B-BBEE Legislation

Support service is always there for you!
These include the amended Codes of Good Practice, Charters and Sector Codes, Qualifying Small Enterprises, Generics, the Codes Process and the dti’s framework for Broad-Based BEE. Please find below a list of currently gazetted codes and new draft sector codes. Verification Manual:1-1516-2728-3233-3839-5455-80

Summary of the 2013 new codes.

The amended Codes of Good Practice for Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment that came into effect on 1 May 2015 will significantly reduce current compliance levels – by two to three levels.

It is imperative that companies measure themselves in terms of the revisions then plot their path to return to former levels. The revisions were gazetted in 2013 but are being implemented now and represent a further wave in the B-BBEE legislation of the Department of Trade and Industry.

Initially, narrow-based empowerment (ownership and management only) was followed by broad-based empowerment, which incorporated seven elements: ownership, management control, employment equity, skills development, preferential procurement, enterprise development and socio-economic development.

Now the number of elements is being reduced to five: ownership, management control, skills development, enterprise and supplier development and socio-economic development.

Purpose of the Codes

Section 9 of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act No. 53 of 2003 (BEE Act) legally provides for the issuing of Codes of Good Practice on broad-based black economic empowerment. Besides the dti’s Strategy for Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment and the BEE Act, drivers of transformation charter processes to date, have lacked a standard BEE framework from which to develop charters. Furthermore, some charters were developed even before the BEE Act and the Strategy document were released. Consequently, there exists substantial incomparability amongst charters, with respect to content as well as criteria for measurement. This results in entities in certain sectors with stricter measurement criteria being unfavourably disadvantaged when competing for business with entities in sectors with more lenient measurement criteria.

Assurance Verification Agency

Staff Compliment

AVA has competent employees which are more than enough to provide quality service to our clients.

Being proactive is our culture and to capacity developments. We put our customer first all the time; more than 90% of our employees are Black youth with Accounting, Auditing, Law, Human Resource, and Administration qualification which are key expertise for our filed of work.

We support the 4th Industrial Revolution through the use of latest technology software’s with enhance our productivity and real time on the services which we provide to our clients.